Therapy Groups
Groups are an effective treatment modality to help normalize and validate the struggles people go through while in the process of learning, healing, and recovery. Simply put, there are insights, affirmations, and positive experiences gained from the group process which are not available in individual therapy.
We are excited to present seven powerful, therapeutic groups based upon assessed need in our community. Most of these groups are time-limited, skills based modalities lasered to accelerate emotional growth and recovery in specific areas. Designed to serve as ancillary support and instruction, they do not replace individual therapy. As such, they work in conjunction with therapy providing an additional intervention to help you move forward in treatment. All groups are conducted by experienced, licensed clinicians in a confidential setting. These groups are: Relational Living for women wanting to learn principles from RLT (Relational Life Therapy) with emphasis on equipping them to speak up and mean it. Participants work on applying skills to their life circumstances and in identifying and changing their relational deficiencies into healthy adult interactions. This is a women’s only 18 session program limited to seven participants led by Wess Ferguson, LMFT, Certified Advanced Relational Life Therapist. Relational Living Workshop is a fun, experiential one day seminar for individuals and couples wanting to learn the latest in relational empowerment. Participants are taught to maturely manage their own emotions and to go after what they want using the five winning strategies developed by best selling author and the founder of the Relational Life Institute, Terrance Real. This is a great group for struggling couples and for moving stable marriages into more intimate ones led by Wess Ferguson, LMFT. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for individuals needing more intensive skills to manage severe anxiety, depression and phobias, based upon the research and work of Marsha Linehan. Sexual Addiction Recovery Groups for helping men and women move away from compulsive sexual acting out and transitioning back into sobriety and a meaningful life again. Patrick Carnes has inspired much of the course content and treatment strategies which are compassionately taught by Mike Klemin, LMFT, Certified Sexual Addiction Counselor. Breaking the Isolation, Recovery For Spouses of Sex Addicts is an informative therapy group for women married to sex addicts who find themselves living in fear, loneliness and shame. The focus is on the process of recovery providing education, information, and support in transforming the profound wounds of betrayal into learning to trust again. Sylvia Victor, LMFT brings 25 years of experience working with individuals, couples and groups recovering from trauma, sexual abuse and various addictions AMAC ( Adults Molested as Children) for women who have been sexually abused and have never worked through their trauma or whose trauma has resurfaced in self-defeating patterns. These groups are small with no more than seven participants at a time facilitated by Sylvia Victor, LMFT. Love and Logic Parenting provides simple and practical techniques to help parents to raise responsible kids, have more fun in their parenting role, and to easily change their child’s behavior. Learn specific successful “how to’s.” Imagine: • toddlers who go to bed the first time • tots that learn whining and arguing does not work • meals without the battles • discipline without losing their love • great comebacks all parents need to know • youngsters that grow to safe, smart, confident teens • and so much more! Groups are often eligible for some insurance reimbursement, depending on individual plans. Help with insurance questions and billing is provided by our staff, and clients may contact us for group specifics, starting dates and related questions. |